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Physiotherapy in Chandigarh

Physiotherapy in Chandigarh

Physiotherapist are medical professionals who specialize in treating injuries and conditions that impact movement . Physiotherapy in Chandigarh assess ,plan and implement rehabilitative programs that improve or restore human motor functions,maximize movement ability ,releive pain syndromes and treat or prevent physical challanges associated with injuries ,diseases and other impairments .

They apply a broad range of physical therapies and techniques to improve the function of body. Physiotherapists play an important role in health progress and disease prevention.With increasing age body suffer from neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease,dementia ,paralysis ,chronic fatique etc. Orthopaedic problems include disorders of ligaments,bones,muscles,tendons ,joints.

In orthopaedic rehabilitation helps you to recover from fractures ,bone or joint surgery . Rehabilitation after fracture or surgeries is an important process to help you get back to your work . After surgery physiotherapy in chandigarh is important to bring back mobility to the affected area ,helps in pain management, it strengthens the muscles and tissues that were traumatized during surgery. Benefits of physiotherapy can maintain health for people of all ages and help the patients to manage pain and prevent diseases .

Physiotherapy in chandigarh use various techniques for treatment are – Manual therapy technique – these can comprise ,joint manipulation and mobilisation,manual resistance training. Exercise therapy – it involves muscle stretching , strengthening ,posture correction. Electrotherapy – It includes modalities like TENS, SWD, IFT, electrical muscle stimulator ,LASER etc.
In home physiotherapy offers treatment in your own home . physiotherapy in chandigarh helps you to manage your condition at comfort of your home .In your own home ,you are in a familiar environment therefore you are more comfortable and relaxed and feel motivated. Home physiotherapy can enhance treatment since you are in a much more relaxed state.In some cases ,progress may proceed faster.

Physiotherapy in Chandigarh

In home physiotherapy services are highly convenient .In home physiotherapy is offered at times that are flexible toward your own schedule. It also eleminates all travel on your part and saving due to lack of travel and also save a lot of time. Physiotherapy in Chandigarh will assess, diagnose and formulate a treatment plan based on the condition of the patient.
Orthopaedic conditions – osteoarthritis,neck pain,stiff joints,back pain,fractures , frozen shoulder etc

Pediatric conditions – cerebral palsy ,congenital deformities.
Sports conditions – ligament injury, meniscal injury ,sprains ,strains etc
Post operative conditions – joint replacement, head injuries , fractures, post surgical stiffness
Other conditions – postural problems,gait problems, geriatric rehabilitation.’I have back pain, knee pain’ these are common words hered by my grandmother.she has severe back pain. She was certain of an underlying cause and believed that it may need serious medication .She visited to a doctor and to check her back pain. Doctor advised advised her x- ray and MRI. The investigation finding showed that she had disc protrusion and nerve root compression .

Doctor prescribed her medicine but she didn’t feel improvement. Doctor recommend her for surgery but she didn’t agree for the surgery.Then she went to the Physiotherapist. Physiotherapist assess ,diagnose her and formulate treatment plan based on her condition. He use various techniques and modalities to subside pain and lower back exercises and techniques to help restore normal pain, free mobility and stability of the spine ensuring correct posture and strengthening the core stabilising muscles and lower back muscles in a safe and effective way . After getting physiotherapy she is fine and do daily based activities . 

Lower back pain is very common these days due to workplace, bad posture, lack of exercises and unhealthy dietary .If your condition diagnosed early a conservative treatment like physiotherapy and exercise could help relieve the pain . Physical therapy will help you return to your normal lifestyle. Consider taking Physiotherapy whenever you have problem realted to joints, your muscles,your bones .because physiotherapy in the safest and most efficient way of getting rid from these problems.

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